Drama based learning inact
transforming leaders through drama

  • It was thought provoking

    ''The performance by inact made us reflect on our behaviours; as we see ourselves as a team, and as individuals. It was thought provoking. Industrial theatre is a tool I like using. And I recommend that as a tool for behaviour change’’ Irene, Asare, Head, HR, Tullow Oil Ghana.

  • Different leadership perspective

    ‘‘inact brought a different perspective from cultural point of view to leadership’’ Anonymous

  • Expectations were exceeded

    ’The expectations were exceeded. Message was extremely relevant to the work ethic and structure. Very knowledgeable about traditional instruments and how they relate to our lives’’ Head, Petroleum Engineering, Tulllow Oil

  • That was excellent

    ’I was initially nervous...but after seeing what you did, I think that was excellent. inact’s performance was a reflector of what was in the team’’ Talent Management, Tullow Oil

Leadership, team building & bonding

Discover drama-based approaches of making your leaders better their game and foster productive working relationships in your team.

Customer service, sales & promotion

Want to make your customer feel valued? Learn what drama can introduce you to do just that.

Drama for sustainable development

Connecting to all our stakeholders is a tough job. However, drama creates more opportunities to reach out to our communities in our economic, social and environmental activity implementation.Try it.

Behavioural and process safety

Expecting responsive behaviour and attitude among your technical team on site is a constant. Have you thought about how drama-based scenarios can speed up the improved changes in behaviour in process and safety?

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Need Support with Inact?

General Questions

Want to try how this works but not sure if can serve your need? Trouble understanding the value of drama based learning compared to with traditional training? Or just want to say hi? Send us your message and we will answer as soon as possible!

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Team Support

Using drama as a tool our team is available to support you plan for and achieve effective and efficient staff away days, strategy sessions, conferences, seminars and other related group or company activity.

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Work with You

We want to be part of your growth and progress story. So, do not hesitate to talk to us.That is why we set out to do this in the first place

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In the mean time enjoy this longboard teaser

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Inact, making learning and development easier

inact, transforming leaders through drama

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