Why business executives are turning to theatre to seek advice to run their business
This was published in Graphic Business on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.
‘What in business are called ‘’people skills’ are terribly important to the [...]

The little thing Best Western Hotel did that saved me. Your customers are after the little things
I woke up this morning at Takoradi branch of the Best Western Hotel looking for my tooth paste to catch up with a workshop that was about starting. I [...]

To become excellent at customer service learn how to act
All the smiles, friendly care and handshakes we enjoy from you have been repeatedly orchestrated by you to keep your job relevant. So, when I am happy with [...]

5 lessons we learnt working with clients; you might want to know
We took an ambitious chance to bring the world of African theatre to the door step of the corporate environment in 2011 and we want to tell you that we failed! [...]