Why business executives are turning to theatre to seek advice to run their business
This was published in Graphic Business on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.
‘What in business are called ‘’people skills’ are terribly important to the [...]

What the film ‘Selma’ teach us about the change we want in our lives and for the corporate marketplace
Nobody in Dr. King’s company at that time could ever envisage the quickest passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in America. It could never have come [...]

What ‘John Q’ teaches you about the sweet risks you should take
In John Q, Denzel Washington played a father who took advantage of every conceivable and inconceivable risk to save the life of his son who was battling [...]

New Oxford research says, the market is looking for Chief Emotional Officers not Chief Executive Officers, Really?
It’s now ever clearer: If you want to get to the top of your industry, master your ability to understand what we feel and solve our challenges. Save [...]

The Value of Traditional Drum Ensemble for Leadership Development and Team Bonding
There is prove that some African ensembles can be a useful tool for leadership development and team bonding. At Hyville we worked with that and we want you [...]

5 lessons we learnt working with clients; you might want to know
We took an ambitious chance to bring the world of African theatre to the door step of the corporate environment in 2011 and we want to tell you that we failed! [...]