Why business executives are turning to theatre to seek advice to run their business
This was published in Graphic Business on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.
‘What in business are called ‘’people skills’ are terribly important to the [...]

What the film ‘Selma’ teach us about the change we want in our lives and for the corporate marketplace
Nobody in Dr. King’s company at that time could ever envisage the quickest passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in America. It could never have come [...]

What ‘John Q’ teaches you about the sweet risks you should take
In John Q, Denzel Washington played a father who took advantage of every conceivable and inconceivable risk to save the life of his son who was battling [...]

To become excellent at customer service learn how to act
All the smiles, friendly care and handshakes we enjoy from you have been repeatedly orchestrated by you to keep your job relevant. So, when I am happy with [...]

Your story is currency. So, send it to the forex
I have a simply question for you. Do you know why you got into that company, group, relationship or sport with other partner? If it were not your or their [...]

Life is all improvisation. Actors earn their keep doing this. Funny enough, you improvise too
To be a good dad, and a first one at that, you have to learn quickly and fast to give your family that cover they need. Sales, customer service [...]

What is your ”spine”? Know your ”spine” because it keeps you alive
What holds a book together is its spine. The strength of an actor is the strong character they project. Without that strong character showing, there is [...]

New Oxford research says, the market is looking for Chief Emotional Officers not Chief Executive Officers, Really?
It’s now ever clearer: If you want to get to the top of your industry, master your ability to understand what we feel and solve our challenges. Save [...]

Talent is found in their story- which should be the story you want to create
The people we employ at any point in time are reflection of our critical need at the time. If [...]

What do you stand for? 4 Lessons from Ayi Kwei Armah’s ‘The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born’
The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born is set between 1965's Passion Week and 25 February 1966 – the day after the overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first [...]